Our Approach: Career Skills and Life Skills
From the first day of classes, 正规澳门赌场网络教师为学生提供所选领域的技能和知识. 我们的课程还旨在培养支持长期职业灵活性的广泛技能:批判性思维和终身学习习惯, collaboration and communication skills, and a foundation of professionalism.
As a UNE student, 你也将有机会获得高影响力的学习,如研究项目, 实习, 以及校内和校外的体验式学习——这种经历被证明可以提高学业成就和职业准备.
President Herbert: Ensuring a Strong Return on Investment
Recognized for Academic Quality
Positioning You For Professional Success
Commitment to Access and Value
We believe everyone should have access to higher education. While tuition is rising around the country, 正规澳门赌场网络的学费一直低于全国平均水平,比新英格兰私立大学的平均水平低16%.
We also provide generous financial aid packages, including roughly $47 million per year in scholarships. 我们与每个家庭和学生合作,使他们的教育尽可能负担得起. 让更多的人有机会接受正规澳门赌场网络的教育,使我们的社区更具包容性和活力.
President Herbert: UNE’s Commitment to Access and Value
百分比 below the national tuition average
of students benefit from financial aid
in institutional scholarships awarded annually
Supporting Your Career Development
Career mentorship is built into UNE’s educational approach. 我们的职业咨询办公室可以为本科生或研究生提供支持, 最近的毕业生, or mid-career alumnus. You’ll have access to career coaching, resume assistance, employment search guidance, 人才招聘会往往会, 和更多的.
作为一名毕业生, 你将受益于正规澳门赌场网络作为正规澳门赌场网站和缅因州排名第一的卫生专业人员提供者的地位. You’ll be connected to an extensive alumni network, 在整个地区和国家的社区联系,帮助你在你的职业道路的每一步.
Financial Stability for the Future
正规澳门赌场网络自豪地获得了惠誉评级在2023年延长的A+信用评级, one of three credit reporting agencies in the U.S. covering the higher education sector. In the same year, 穆迪投资者服务公司将UNE的信用评级上调至A2, 理由是“卓越的经营业绩和高需求学科的多样化学术课程”,“反映了对持续强劲经营业绩的预期”.”
这些评级反映了正规澳门赌场网络在审慎的财务管理下作为一家持久机构的地位. Of course, our growth plans are central to our prudence. 我们正在通过战略资本活动积极投资,使我们的学生的经验更丰富,更有回报.